Assam State Agricultural Marketing Board (ASAMB): the Sole Wholesaler of Urea in Assam
- As per decision of the Hon’ble Cabinet of the Govt. of Assam– a ‘Comprehensive Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Fertilizer (Urea) Administration in Assam’ has been notified by Agriculture Department on 20-05-2022.
- Accordingly, ASAMB has been notified as sole Wholesaler of Urea in Assam, vide Director of Agriculture’s Notification Memo No. Agri/Fert/C&F/627/2021-22/31, dated 01-06-2022.
- ASAMB has set up a Fertilizer Cell in its head office at Guwahati and 33 District Fertilizer Units in 33 districts. Urea received from BVFCL, IFFCO, IPL and Matix are being distributed amongst the retailers registered under ASAMB. As per Govt. direction, ASAMB is promoting Nano urea (liquid) with prilled urea received from IFFCO and IPL, proportionately.

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Dealership Application Form | 485.56 KB |  |