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Government Of Assam Department of Agriculture & Horticulture Assam State Agricultural Marketing Board


Licensing of Market functionaries:

Under Section 13(2) of the Assam Agricultural Produce Market Act, 1972, licence is issued to the market functionaries like Trader, Commission Agent, Broker, Weighman, Measurer, Surveyor, Warehouseman, Transporter, Processor etc., for doing their business in a notified market area, by the concerned Regulated Market Committee on payment of such fees as prescribed.

Section 13. (2) of "The Assam Agricultural Produce Market Act, 1972"(as amended upto 2006)

"Where a market Committee is established in any area, no person shall, subject to the provisions of section 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 5E and 5F, use any place for buying and selling of specified agricultural produce and function as a trader, commission agent, broker, weighman, measurer, surveyor, warehouseman, transporter, processor or in any other capacity as market functionary within the Market Area unless a licence is issued to such person by the Market Committee on payment of such fee and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed".
