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Government Of Assam Department of Agriculture & Horticulture Assam State Agricultural Marketing Board

Paddy procurement status


The Paddy procurement programme under Kharif Marketing Season (KMS) was entrusted on Assam State Agricultural Marketing Board by the Government as per the decision taken by a high power committee under the Chairmanship of the Chief Secretary on 27-07-2012. For this purpose the Government had released a sum of Rs. 13,92,30,000.00 (Rupees thirteen crore ninety two lac thirty thousand) only as revolving fund. Another sum of Rs.15,75,000.00 (Rupees fifteen lacs seventy five thousand) only was released by the Government under RKVY for purchase of quality control equipment.

Year wise Paddy procurement figures are as follows:

KMS Target Achievement No. of PPC Remarks
2012-13 14,600 MT 7,895.343 MT 21 1st crop
2013-14 40,000 MT 251.060 MT 40 1st crop
2014-15 40,000 MT 7,577.150 MT 40 1st crop
2014-15 3,500 MT 2,976.680 MT 4 2nd crop
2015-16 20,000 MT 9,090.319 MT 40 1st crop
2015-16 11,500 MT 1,040.380 MT 6 2nd crop
2016-17 31,900 MT 15,964.866 MT 41 1st crop
2016-17 15,000 MT 667.940 MT 41 2nd crop
2017-18 31,000 MT 5,261.680 MT 37 1st crop
2017-18 12,000 MT Nil 6 No procurement of 2nd crop
2018-19 6,000 MT 6,665.90 MT 26 1st crop
2018-19 17,500 MT 3,822.494 MT 19 2nd crop
2019-20 25,000 MT 5,891.811 MT 26 1st crop (as on 20.5.2020)